Munzee Badges

Perfect 10
Awarded when you reach Level 10

Over The Hill
Awarded when you reach Level 50

Awarded when you reach Level 100

Awarded when you have captured 1,000

Awarded when you have deployed 500

First Responder
Awarded for first to capture on 100

Capture Streak
Capture a Munzee 31 days in a row

Deploy Sreak
Deploy a Munzee 31 days in a row

Super Streak
Capture & Deploy a Munzee 31 days in a row

Earn at least 5 different special icons

Earn at least 10 different special icons

Earn at least 25 different special icons

Virtual High 5
Deploy more than 5 virtuals

Deploy a mystery Munzee

Deploy more than 10 mystery Munzees

Air Munzee
Capture and deploy exactly 23 in one day

Easy As Pi
Earn exactly 314 points in one day

Capture at least one of each: virtual, mystery, regular, premium, social & diamond

1k Day
Earn at least 1,000 points in a day

5k Day
Earn at least 5,000 points in a day

10k Day
Earn at least 10,000 points in a day

#1 player on the daily leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

First Loser
#2 player on the daily leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

#7 player on the daily leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

#13 player on the daily leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

World #1
Number 1 player in the overall leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

Top 10
A player in the overall top 10 leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

Top 50
A player in the overall top 50 leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

Top 100
A player in the overall top 100 leaderboard (starting 15/11/13)

Meet The Makers
Awarded to players who meet MHQ staff in a meet & greet

Player Of The Week
Awarded to players who have been 'Player Of The Week'

Battle Ready
Deploy a single weapon earned from a clan battle

Deploy 25 weapons earned from clan battles

Combat Chuck
Deploy 50 weapons earned from clan battles
(This badge will only be available from January)

Social Catterpillar
Capture at least 25 Social Munzees

Social Cocoon
Capture at least 250 Social Munzees

Social Butterfly
Capture at least 1,000 Social Munzees

Social Princess
Capture at least 2,500 Social Munzees

Social Tadpole
Own a Social Munzee with at least 50 caps on it

Social Froglet
Own a Social Munzee with at least 250 caps on it

Social Frog
Own a Social Munzee with at least 1,000 caps on it

Social Prince
Own a Social Munzee with at least 5,000 caps on it

Own and deploy 5 motels

Foster's Palace
Own and deploy 25 motels

Founder's Towers
Own and deploy 50 motels

Rent a room in 5 motels

Rent a room in 25 motels

Rent a room in 50 motels

Early Bird
Awarded to the first 10,000 players when Munzee started

Awarded to a player who collected at least one of each icon in the Octoberfest 2013

Munzvember 1
Awarded to a player who purchased 1 - 24 Munzvember Mustache Virtuals in Munzvember 2013

Munzvember 25
Awarded to a player who purchased 25 - 49 Munzvember Mustache Virtuals in Munzvember 2013

Munzvember 50
Awarded to a player who purchased 50 - 74 Munzvember Mustache Virtuals in Munzvember 2013

Munzvember 75
Awarded to a player who purchased 75 - 99 Munzvember Mustache Virtuals in Munzvember 2013

Munzvember 100
Awarded to a player who purchased 100+ Munzvember Mustache Virtuals in Munzvember 2013

Christmas 2013
Awarded to a player who captures at least 6 different 'Twelve Days Of Christmas' icons

Munzlympics 2014
Awarded to a player who took part in the Munzee Olympics 2014

Participation in the event Munzee Madnes 3

Munzee HQ
Awarded to visitors to MHQ

Awarded to people who meet an authorised reseller

5 by 5
Capture exatly 5 motels or rooms, 5 diamonds, 5 greenies, 5 regular virtuals and 5 regular mysteries in one day

5 x 5 Deployed
Awarded to people who deploy exactly 5 Munzees 5 days in a row

Roy G Biv
Awarded to people who cap at least one of each of the coloured virtuals

Rover Walker
Transport a least 250 unique Rovers

Rover Mover
Transport a least 1000 unique Rovers

Rover Transporter
Transport a least 5000 unique Rovers

RMH Ronnie
Awarded to a player who purchased 4 RMH Virtuals

RMH Helpers
Awarded to a player who purchased 8 RMH Virtuals

RMH Helena
Awarded to a player who purchased 20 RMH Virtuals

RMH Family
Awarded to a player who purchased 40 RMH Virtuals

It's a Blast!
Use 1 Blast Capture (started 26th May 2014)

When Worlds Collide
For players who attended Geowoodstock

100 green
Deploy at least 100 regular green Munzees in one day (MHQ time)

MWMB 2014

AWFC 2014
Run For Dreams 2014

Copa Do Munzo
Capture special icons bouncing balls

Butte Event

Birthday Barker

Munzee turns 3

Obi-Cal Farewell

Space Coast

Event Host

Fiesta Third

2nd Europe Munzee Event

Rob's Return

3rd Annual Fireworks Fiesta
For attending 'Oklahoma 3rd Annual Fireworks Fiiesta Meet Greet & Eat' event (5th July 2014)

Worlds Collide Seattle

Awarded to a player who purchased ALS Virtuals

Dirty Dozen
Blast capture on exactly 12 munzees.

25k Day
Earn at least 25000 points in a single day

Worlds Collide MHQ

MHQ Bash 2014

Beer Mug 2014

Behind the Wall

Munzee Marketplace

Munzee Garden

Grand Opening

Earn at least 75 different icons

Springtime Scrounge 2014


Berlin 2014

Worlds Collide Vegas

GCHR 2014

Jersey Arts Quest 2014

Munzee Munch

Flag Counter